Hey bloggers

Welcome to miss-Syafiqah 's blog..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Betulkah durian kucing tidur???

Durian, isinya berbentuk kucing atau anak kucing sedang tidur..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nabi Muhammad sayang kucing!

sayanglah kucing!

good night n salam.....
by Syafiqah

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pak Pandir n Wartawan..

cerita pak pandir!

Satu hari kecoh Pak Pandir panggil wartawan datang kerumah dia.Bila wartawan2 sampai mereka pun bertanya ada apa yang menarik ni pandir.

Pak Pandir pun kata..tenguk ni..aku tanam pokok rambutan tapi tumbuh pokok ubi kayu..hehehe.

Waaa pelik ni Pak Pandir..cuba cerita kat kami...

5 bulan dulu aku ada tanam pokok rambutan kat sini..aku ingat lagi sebab aku ada tandakanya kat sini...
dengan apa Pak Pandir tandakan?tanya wartawan....
dengan batang ubi kayu, jawab Pak Pandir.

assalamualaikum n goodbyes..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Coca Cola got axed from restaurant in Malaysia to punish America!

Malaysia will try to punish the U.S. for supporting Israel by a boycott of our good sold in their country:

"More than 2,000 Muslim restaurants in Malaysia will remove Coca-Cola from their menus as part of a boycott of American products in protest against Israel's bombardment of Gaza, officials said yesterday. American companies are being targeted because of the US government's support of Israel, which is carrying out a military offensive on Gaza that is says is aimed at stopping rocket attacks from the Hamas-controlled territory. The nationwide boycott will be launched Friday by several Muslim groups after they seek God's blessings at Friday prayers, said Ma'mor Osman, secretary-general of the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association which is leading the campaign. In addition to Coca-Cola, he said they have identified some 100 other products ranging from food to beauty and clothing such as Starbucks, Colgate, McDonald's and Maybelline."

Coca Cola upside down!(for muslim readers)