Hey bloggers

Welcome to miss-Syafiqah 's blog..

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My colour

My Favourite colours are:






Layan ja lah!!!

Assalamualaikum semua,
emm,lgi berapa hari dah nk balik M'sia. Tak sabar2 nih! 5 more days to go..
Tadi Syafiqah dah finish assigment, Kena bagi awal cikit sebab syafiqah nk balik M'sia kan, so kena hantar n siapkan assigment tu awal dari semua orang lah! Baru ckap nak blik M'sia, cikgu ingatkan nak blik terus..hihiihhihi,bukan. Just visiting for a month saja. Mama n semua already packed baju2 yg nk pkai di M'sia..nmpaknya 3 bag saja kot!!
Tommorow, we have cross country-3 kilometres. Not bad..I'll try my best! Tak kisah, kalau tak menang pun, Janji buat..Walau apapun esok hari yg last,(Friday),next Tuesday..nk blik m'SIA DAH. taPI BUKAN SELAMA-LAMANYA..
Abah dah tulis surat untk cikgu, mengatakan Syafiqah akan balik ke M'sia hingga June. Oklah tu..
M'sia sekarang pukul 6 40 p.m. Sini(Australia),8.40 p.m. Beza 2 jam aja!!! Dah ngantuk nih, insyaalah sambung lain..-

Apa-apapun .......

goodbyes and assalamualaikum !!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Balik Malaysia???

best nyer nak blik M'sia! Rindu sangat mak tok,wan,mak lang,mak uda,pak tam, pak cu,acikFatin,Akmal,Luqman and Alif yg gebu tuuu.. Dan keluarga teroi jugak.......lama tak jumpa! Mama,Iman Syafiqah balik dulu,pastu baru abah n syauqi blik. Sebab abah ada work nak finish dan Syauqi pulak ada exam..Emmm, 5 May ni balik,pastu dari KLIA ke Kedah(alor Setar) naik kapal terbang ngan mk tam. Kebetulan mk tam pun nak balik Kedah..dari Melaka...abah n syauqi balik 21 May..Sian kena tunngu dulu...Emm,balik M'SIA NAK MKAN MCAM2..keropok lekor,KFC,bihun sup, kuih-muih,char koteow,satay dan macam2 lgi lah!! Yummy,teringat cabai goreng mak tok plak!(Teroi).Sian dengar suara mak tok hari tu, mak tok kata, mak tok doa2 hari bagi kami semua jadi blik Msia..Nampaknya doa mak tok dikabulkanlah!
Lagi 11 hari ja lagi..tak sabar nak tunnguu..betul tak eja tunnguu???hehehehhe tunggu(wait).I can't hardly wait...Imagine all of us, will spend 38 days in M'sia. But not abah n syauqi,cause balik lambat cikit(21 May)!! Anyway, pak Jang pun nak khwin kan?-7 June 09 Temanya 'gold'..nice colour! Tpi sedih pulak tinggal sekolah, bukan apa..nak bersihkan report card saja! hihihihihiehehehe...Term 1-good report card,Term 2-bad report card..Sekarang kan baru ja masuk Term 2,nak blik Msia plak sebulan 8 hari, mesti bad..Ponteng banyak hari tuuu....that's so awful to me..really awful. Walau apa2 pun,mintak2 guru besar lepaskan blik ke M'sia..Yalah,high school! Payah ponteng sekolah..emmm,reason??" Cikgu2,saya dan keluarga saya dah lama...tak jumpa keluarga di M'sia,sakit rindu nih...Tak boleh tidur,makan,minum n mandi...Bolehkah saya balik MSIA HANYA SEBENTAR???-Cehhh,pandai Syafiqah trick cikgu."Hahahahaahah!!! yeh,yeh,yeh ,yeh..dah mcam tak jumpa 10 tahum..baru ja 1 tahun setengah..ehehehehehe..Doa bagi selamat perjalanan ke M'sia(sekeluarga)Insyaalah..
kata abah. kita akan pulang ke sini(Australia,) 20 June...Insyaallah....tak sabarnya..
boleh jumpa Shahira kan?kan,kan,kan??? Tirah, Kak Long dan banyak lagi lah... mama,abah,Iman dan syauqi tengah makan nasi panas dengan daging kambing ma..sak merah..belum kan lagi niihh...Punya excited nak blik M'sia..Terbyang tengah makan kuih donut mak tok,char koteow dan sambal goreng tok teroi..hihihih
Nak pi mkan la ni.. Hri Isnin ni ada Term 1 academic achievers,abahku dijemput nak tengok Syafiqah dapat CERTIFICATE...
ok lah..bye!!!

I can't hardly wait !!!!

Salam, n goodbyes....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Learning it !!!!

You've gotta to learn it!- SYAFIQAH

" Never let a chance go."
"Don't give up easily, before you try it."
" Maybe things hard for you, but help yourself to do it and finish it."
"Use free times and use it properly."
"Borrow time, never steal it."
"Well organised."
"Always trust yourself that you can beat it."
"A little bit more is good enough."
"Think why and how does it happen to you and everyone else around you."
"Make a determined decision to ignore it."
"The harder you work, the more luck you have."
"Always learn to accept peoples advices."
"Never stop to ask".( when you have a problem)
"Discuss with others."
"Well done is better than well said."
"Show your love and care to your family and close friends."
"The challenge- it's your life, you direct it."
"Have the confidence to believe in yourself.
"Find your family or friends for support".
"Making friends."
"Practice makes perfect."
" Trust your SELF."
"Creating, imagining and innovating."
"Applying past knowledge".
" After effort, here comes success."
" Try your best."
" It doesn't matter if you got really bad, but the important thing is you always try your best."
" Try your best and put your effort into it, is good enough for it!"
" Don't scare to tell your answer, be brave and feel confident."
" If someone were laughing at you because of your answer, ignore it, don't impressed them too much, take the challenge, think why they were laughing because of your answer and keep looking ahead!!!"
" If you do something wrong, try to think how to do it right. TRY,TRY, and TRY."
" Keep looking ahead, never turn your back."
"Find your future."
" Thinking flexibility."
" You may do the hardest thing first and the easiest thing later. If that happen, you're going to successful.( try to think why you're going to successful?)
" You might want to start the way with hardest thing to do, but later you'll find the way with easiest thing to do and you're going to successful."
" Follow your rainbow to find your pot of gold."


***Good Luck in the future ahead***
Never let a chance go.........
Dah habis baca,pandai................
Ingat anda boleh lakukannya!

All of these done by syafiqah.........

Salam and Goodbyes!!!

Resepi: Ayam celup tepung mcam KFC-abah

Salam semua...
kelmarin dah try resepi ini! Sangat menyelerakan tau..Mudah jugak!Mama,abah,Iman n Syauqi kata sdap! Dok di Australia, mst tringin KFC kan, tpi tak halal lah. KFc Australia abah kata tak sembelih, pastu plak campur dgan daging babi(pig). Ham, Pork, bacon dan mcam2 lglah nkbuat burger omputih kat sini. Tak halal- emm, Msia pekerja melayu semua,so maybe we can eat. Tak campur ngan daging babi!

Resepi: Ayam celup tepung abahku

* 6 ketul ayam atau lebih
* garam-
* lada putih-
*lada hitam-
*serbuk kunyit-
lada,serbuk kunyit,tepung dan garam(ikut berapa ketul ayam yg digunakan)
* tepung gandum( 1cawan setengah)
*telur( 1 biji untk 6 ketul ayam,lebih/ 2 biji telur untuk lebih pada 10 ayam.)

1. Masukkan ayam,lada hitam dan lada putih,kunyit and garam dalam satu bekas.
Gaul hingga rata dan tinggal selama 10 minit(untuk menambah lg aroma,rasanya).
2. Selepas tinggal ayam itu selama 10 minutes, sediakan telur dan tepung didalam mangkuk
yg asing. 1 mangkuk untuk telur dan satu mangkuk untk tepung!
3.Sedia untuk menggolek dan mencelup.
4.Ambil ayam, celup ke dalam telur(mengulangnya 3-4 kali), lepas itu ubah ayam itu kedalam mangkuk yg ada tepung. Golek-golek hingga sama rata dan make sure tepung itu lekat pada ayam. Jangan biar tepung tu jadi berjetul-ketul bila di golek, sebab bila kita goreng, tepung ayam jadi tak sama rata!
5. Ulang hingga habis ayam(satu demi satu).
6. Panaskan minyak di kuali untuk menggoreng.
7. Apabila minyak dah panas, masukkan semua ayam yang telah di celup dan di golek ke ats
tepung dan telur.
8. Goreng sampai kekuningan. Kalau nak ranggup lg, goreng lama sikit.
9. Sedia untuk dimakan. Bleh mkan dengan nasi putih atau sauce!

Selamat mencuba....

Salam and goodbyes!!!

WHAT? surat dari principal

tadi dapat surat dari guru besar! GURU BESAR?
eik, peliknya principal tak beritahu apa2 pun tentang nak hantaq surat ke rumah! Memang selalu hantar, but it's 3 weeks sekali..That's why it's so weird for me..He never sent a letter OR school newspaper till 3 weeks once. I've just received my report card and school newspaper last week. It should be the other 3 weeks.(not today) Emmm, what is going on?
As my mum opened it, me and my mum start to read it..
It say:
Dear Mr Md Amin(which is my father's last name)

One of the most satisfying aspects of my role as Principal is reviewing the results of all students at the end of the of each reporting phase. This includes identifying students who have achieved high standards in many, if not all, learning areas, and also seeing students who are well behaved and those are doing their best.

Students who set high standards for themselves, work hard and who are commited to doing their best, are real credit to themselves, their family and the school. They are more likely to be our future leaders and their achievment and successes need to be encouraged, acknowledged and rewarded.

Syafiqah, has been identified as one of these students, and will be receiving a Term 1 Academic Achievment Award and/ or and Effort and Endeavour Award at our special Term 1 Achievers Assembly on Monday, 28 April, KPMG.
We have kindly sponsor movie vouchers for deserving, high achieving and model students.

I am sure that Syafiqah would be please if you would be pleased if you could attend this ceremony and morning tea and share the pride in receiving this award.

From: my pricipal
Mr Terry Heath

Bila aku baca surat ni, mcan nak nangis pun ada nk trgelak pun ada lg mcam tak cayalah1
Congratulations to you-mama kata,mak tok kata abah pun..
Aku bersyukur pada allah...Emmm, oklah nak pi solat Maghrib jap..
Salam and goodbyes you all


report card....

Salam ,
hari ini seronok sangat sebab report card dah sampai. Pagi tadi, postman hantaq. Emmm...gementarnya kata hati!

Tapi alhamdullillah report card dpt bgus!!! Ni pun brkat doa kedua ibu bapa ku, mak tokkku dan...aku sendirilah..hhihihi!

6 subjects for term 1(high school).




SOSE:(study of society environment) A


HPE(health physical education): B


Goodbye and salam!!!