Salam and hello ...
I'm now, studying at Yeronga State HIgh school( YSHS).
What a great school to be honest...
We've got lovely teachers, good education, good sport programme, wide choice of subjects and lastly, many cultures..:
All students from Yeronga State High may come from:
Malaysia(me), China, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Palestine, Japan, Korea, Vietname, Europe (Bosnia, Serbia, Austria, Poland and more), South and North America(Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and more), Africa, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Russia, Philipphines, Iraq , Papua New Guinea, Uk, Indonesia, Thailand, Italy, Turkey, Kazakstan, Mongolia, France, Spain and more..
*Speakers of more than 40 languages.
We all feel like home.. to be in this great school. We are proud of our diversity and harmony! Such a great school!
Not just because many cultures we have, also, how the education work'
in Yeronga , lovely teachers, friendly friends, get to know about other part of different countries(world), we respect and accept each other, learn about others and wide choices of subject..
Yeronga------is the best!!!!!!
** xoxoxo**
By me Syafiqah!!
Goodnight and Salam...
mt - coot tha
16 years ago