Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
birthday abah...
Alhamdulillah!!! mama blikan sebelum abah 's birthday bcause my abah were so excited!!! Cool Hey?When we got home,me n my mum packed the present 4 dad straight away coz we doesn't want abah 2 see us..Then,we give it 2 him,n we said' Happy Birthday abah,42 years old'!!!Abah said,he likes it,me n my mum were really happy about it.. Actually,we went 2 the Indooroopilly for....searching(abah's present). We got into Jewelleries shop,then we saw a nice and cool watch,so we were thinking should we get this watch for abah? At last,we decided to buy that watch...yeah!!!During that, Miss Akayo (manager assistance),were helping us to find a watch 4 abah too! She chose a watch that made from Metal,but mum doesn't like it though. 2 minutes ago...we find a right watch 4 abh-made from tough leather,but in inside,wow..cantik!
That's how we got abah's present...Happy birthday,abah!!!
apa2 pun,
Assalamualaikum n goodbyesss...
FROM: Syafiqah
Friday, January 16, 2009
tempat kelahiran....
Gc- German City
Mama,saya,Syauqi lahir di:
AS-Amerika syarikat
Iman lahir di:
KP-king of the palace
scroll down
abah- Guar Cempedak
mama,saya,Syauqi-Alor Setar
hehehhhh....apa2 pun
Assalamualaikum n Goodbyess...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gelatin (US spelling) or gelatine (British spelling) (used to make Jell-o and other desserts) is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals. An alternative substance is called Agar-Agar, which is derived from seaweed. Another is made from the root of the Kuzu. Agar-Agar is sold in noodle-like strands, in powdered form, or in long blocks, and is usually white-ish in color.
Some Kosher gelatins are made with agar-agar, most are not. Some things that are vegan that are replacing gelatin are: guar gum and carrageenan. Only some 'emulsifiers' are vegan. Gelatin is used in photography. Although the technology exists to replace photographic film, its price is currently prohibitive and there is insufficient demand. Hopefully, with the growth of vegetarianism and veganism, this situation will soon change.
What is kosher gelatine?
from the Vegetarian Resource Group:
Kosher gelatin can be made with fish bones, and/or beef skins. Contrary to assumptions, it is also considered kosher to use it with dairy products. Kosher law is very complex and the bones and hides used in gelatin production are considered pareve. The general meaning of pareve refers to foods that are neither milk nor meat, and many people assume this means that the product is vegetarian. However, OU pareve certified ingredients can have animal products, such as fish, eggs, and gelatin, in them.
"Kosher Gelatin Marshmallows: Glatt Kosher and 'OU-Pareve'," an article that appeared in Kashrus Magazine, explains the distinctions. A quote from the article is as follows:
"...since the gelatin product is from hides or bones - not real flesh - and has undergone such significant changes, it is no longer considered 'fleishig' (meat) but 'pareve', and can be eaten with dairy products."
Is there vegan gelatine?
from a reader in Germany:
"Gelatine" is a substance made of animal bones and other parts of the animal's body. So if there's a product with "gelatine", it can't be vegan.
But there exists a big variety of substances which are vegan an which have the same properties as gelatine: Cellulose (Amid), Agar-Agar, Biobin, Guar, Xanthan, Carob fruit and others. (Unfortunately I do not know the exact english names, but maybe this will help you already.).
So if you read on the ingredient list that gelatine is used, then you can be sure that this product is NOT vegan. But if one or more of the other mentioned subsances appear on the list, you can be sure that you can eat them even as vegan.
from another US reader:
Hain makes a Jello product with non-animal gelling substance (no meat, bone, skin, hoof, or any other part/derivative) that is superior to Jello. Also, some 'snack pack' gel snacks are NOT made with gelatin, and available in larger grocery stores (even in texas!), just read the label.
Rennet, traditionally used as a coagulating agent in cheese making, is derived from the digestive juices of slaughtered calves. Rennet is like gelatin in the sense that it's a common food additive but the foods containing it are often considered vegetarian. See Eggs & Dairy for further details.
Further information:
- Vegetarian Gelling Agents (Vegetarian Society UK Information Sheet)
Is Halal gelatine vegetarian?
from a Muslim reader:
Halal simply means that the animal has been killed according to Islamic law. So it is possible for gelatin to be halal but NOT vegetarian.
IVU Regional Websites |
Watermelon Smoothie

Bahan-bahan ( 4-5 orang )
- 500g tembikai
- 200ml susu segar
- 100ml plain yogurt
- 3 sudu besar gula
- sedikit hirisan tembikai utk hiasan
- sedkit chocolate chips utk hiasan
- Daun pudina utk hiasan
- Potong dadu tembikai selebih kurang saiz ais kiub dan buang bijinya. Frozen tembikai tadi lebih kurang 4-5 jam.
- Masukkan tembikai yg dah difrozen ke dalam mixer/blander. Masukkan juga susu segar,yogurt dan juga gula. Kisar sehingga jadi bentuk smoothie.
- Tuangkan ke dalam gelas yg sesuai dan hias dengan hirisan tembikai, chocochips dan juga daun pudina.
- Sedia utk diminum :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
AIS KCANG DAN doalah....

yUmmy ....ais kacang!!
UHH.....hari ini mama buat lgi ais kacang!!!
Nampaknya,perang di Gaza belum berhenti,antara Palestine dan Israel....ramai umat islam di bom dan di bunuh oleh Israel!!! Everyday...till today,rakyat Palestine mcam babies,kids,families,ladies,men

Salam dan Goodbyezzz....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
*Tongue Twisters*
in a clean cram can?
*I scream,you scream,we all
scream for ice-cream!
*She sells seashells on the seashore
She sells seashells no more.
*Freshly-fried fat flying fish.
*An ape hates
grape cakes..
*She saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa.
But was she so sure she saw
Sheriff's shoes on the sofa?
By:** Syafiqah **
Hakimi: turning 5
Haris: turning 7
Me,my sis-(Iman),n syauqi layan ja ...kimi dan haris. Selepas main,mama buat ais kcang,sedap!! Tinggal d Msia,mama x pernah buat pun,sebab sana bli aje,tp sini tak da jual,so kena buat sendiri klau nak mkan...Blender ice,(tempat blender ice),then put gula merah,syrup,jagung dan susu pekat. Jadilah tu, SEDAP :-) emm...petang tadi mama msak'Sambal Udang'.
Mama msak lambak cikit sebab mama puasa,abah pun! Syafiqah tak puasa..hihih,nantilah,puasa thun lepas 1 hari ja ponteng-DEMAM!!! nanti bru nk ganti...sekarang dah pukul 7.32 p.m, Msia 5.32. Msia lg best lambat malam,sini cepat sangat..kalau winter lglah,malam dah pukul 5.30 p.m.. Bestlah Hakimi n Haris datang,suka layan!!! Esok datang lgi...APA2 pun....
Assalamualaikum n goodbyesss...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Well,remember I said on 2010 i must take PMR???i have to go back to msia to make a preparation.. and stay with my grandma,but as what i just wrote above,i just need to go back to Msia 4 .................HOLIDAYS WITH MY FAMILY!!!
SEDIH...rindu smua di Msia,of course I do..nak blik lgi 11 bulan,rindu..sangat my grandma's donut...soft n yummy :-)-mak tok,acik,Fatin,wan,alang,tirah,pak su,pakn dak,mk uda,kak long,kak Shahirah,tok,kucing(comel),mak tam,Luqman,Alif,Kemal n more....Salam syg dari kak pikah;
tak sempat
Assalamualaikum n goodbyes... :-)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Assalamualaikum n goodbyes.....

Salam n hello,today, me n my family went to Inala after we come back from South Bank!!!Inala is the place that people buy grocery things,sea foods,Asian foods and more..my mum like 2 go there,bcause she can get many Asian veggies,fruits,dry foods,rice sticks-(laksa) from there. A lots of Vietnamese peoples working there..seller-At that afternoon,my mum bought rice sticks,daun kesum,prawns and fish...opss,also a knife..for cutting..HAHAH..at that time..me,my brother also my sis,had a lovely time eating yummy ice-cream with dad n mum,of course!Have a look at this picture.. INALA.Sorry,this is the only picture i could get from the Internet-Inala
Assalamualaikum n goodbyes....have a great day 4 tomorrow!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
my primary scool
OK, NOW... HIGH SCHOOL,oh nooo.I'll just b at high school for 1 year only..sedih..tahun 2010 must ambik exam(PMR)...insyaalah bukak hati ni untuk belajar kat msia,take pmr!!! sedih nak tinggal australia,then I'm gonna
leave my BEST FRIENDS...uhhuu:-(
ahh...ngantuk dah,me and my family going to the south bank tomorrow,kinda beach..but it's not real