You've gotta to learn it!- SYAFIQAH
" Never let a chance go."
"Don't give up easily, before you try it."
" Maybe things hard for you, but help yourself to do it and finish it."
"Use free times and use it properly."
"Borrow time, never steal it."
"Well organised."
"Always trust yourself that you can beat it."
"A little bit more is good enough."
"Think why and how does it happen to you and everyone else around you."
"Make a determined decision to ignore it."
"The harder you work, the more luck you have."
"Always learn to accept peoples advices."
"Never stop to ask".( when you have a problem)
"Discuss with others."
"Well done is better than well said."
"Show your love and care to your family and close friends."
"The challenge- it's your life, you direct it."
"Have the confidence to believe in yourself.
"Find your family or friends for support".
"Making friends."
"Practice makes perfect."
" Trust your SELF."
"Creating, imagining and innovating."
"Applying past knowledge".
" After effort, here comes success."
" Try your best."
" It doesn't matter if you got really bad, but the important thing is you always try your best."
" Try your best and put your effort into it, is good enough for it!"
" Don't scare to tell your answer, be brave and feel confident."
" If someone were laughing at you because of your answer, ignore it, don't impressed them too much, take the challenge, think why they were laughing because of your answer and keep looking ahead!!!"
" If you do something wrong, try to think how to do it right. TRY,TRY, and TRY."
" Keep looking ahead, never turn your back."
"Find your future."
" Thinking flexibility."
" You may do the hardest thing first and the easiest thing later. If that happen, you're going to successful.( try to think why you're going to successful?)
" You might want to start the way with hardest thing to do, but later you'll find the way with easiest thing to do and you're going to successful."
" Follow your rainbow to find your pot of gold."
***Good Luck in the future ahead***
Never let a chance go.........
Dah habis baca,pandai................
Ingat anda boleh lakukannya!
All of these done by syafiqah.........
Salam and Goodbyes!!!
mt - coot tha
16 years ago
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